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We are your Community Backup Band.

Celebrating 41 years of service to The Albert Lea Area.

The Albert Lea Community Band was formed in January, 1982. 

Our volunteers support community and charitable events throughout the year.

Hosted by Albert Lea Community Education, we rely on donations from individuals and local businesses to support our ongoing efforts.

November 9, 2024.  Free Public Concert 2:00 p.m. Marion Ross Performing Arts Center. Albert lea

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.
Join us for fun and serve your community!

You may have seen us play at huge July 4th fireworks displays on Fountain Lake.

But in addition to this well known community celebration,  we also have performed at locations outside of Albert Lea like the Historic Brick House near Hayward.








We support charitable events like Relay For Life held at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds. 

During the past few years, we have been privileged to perform with the Harmony Junction Chorus and Faith Tones during the Christmas season.

 Harmony Junction's efforts  have provided funding for area organizations, including area youth programs, The Salvation Army, Ecumenical Food Shelf and the Freeborn County Historical Society.

 2017 Performance schedule 

June 1

7:00 p.m. Fountain Lake Gazebo. ( Summer Music Series Night)

July 4th

8:00 p.m.

Fountain Lake Gazebo. (July 4th pre-fireworks concert)

July 19th

11:30 a.m.

(Wind Down Wednesday)

North Broadway, downtown Albert Lea.

July 28th

5:45 PM


Freeborn County Fairgrounds

August 17th

7:00 p.m.

Fountain Lake Gazebo.  (Movie in the Park)

October 28th

2:00 PM

Veterans Home

Minneapolis Veterans Hospital

Holiday Schedule is pending.

Want to join us? 

Albert Lea Community Band members come from all walks of life.  Our ages range from teens to over 85.  Teachers, students, farmers and business people all have one thing in common, they like to play music. Even more interesting is that they come from miles away just to play in the band.

Dust off that old instrument in the closet, if you have not played in awhile.  If you are a student that would like to sharpen your skills, please join us.

There are no auditions.

Just bring your instrument and a good sense of humor.

We're not necessarily the stars of the show. We serve as a musical  backup to numerous volunteer efforts throughout the year.

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2017 Albert Lea Community Band  Fountain Lake performance
French horns are happy to see new music at Albert Lea Band practice
2016 Albert Lea Band at the Historic Brick Hall near Hayward, MN
4th concert
Albert Lea Communiry Band Grace Lutheran Church December 10th
Band and Men's chorus Dec 17
Albert Lea Communiry Band United Methodist Church 2
Faith Tones Choir Performance United Methodist  Church Dec 10th
Harmony Junction Mens Chorus United Methodist Church December 10
Albert Lea Band practice
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Xmas 2018 concert 12.jpg
Xmas 2018 concert 15.jpg
Xmas 2018 concert 11.jpg
Xmas 2018 concert 14.jpg


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You may have seen us play at huge July 4th fireworks displays on Fountain Lake.

But in addition to this well known community celebration,  we also have performed at locations outside of Albert Lea like the Historic Brick House near Hayward,

Lake Morin Days in Alden and The Minnesota Veterans Home in the Twin Cities.







We support charitable events like Relay For Life held at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds. 

We have performed with the Harmony Junction Chorus and Faith Tones during the Christmas season.  These joint efforts have provided funding for area youth programs, The Salvation Army, Ecumenical Food Shelf and the Freeborn County Historical Society.







2024  Performance Schedule

June, 2024 5:30 p.m.

Thursdays on Fountain.  Location, Fountain Lake gazebo, Albert Lea.


June 11, 6:30 p.m.Concert at Good Samaritan. Albert Lea


July 4, 2024, 8:00 p.m. Fountain Lake Gazebo.  Our traditional Fireworks Concert. Albert Lea


August 9,  Approximately 5:25 p.m. Relay For Life Performance at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds, Albert Lea

2024 Fall and Christmas Performances

November 9, 2024.  Free  Fall Public Concert 2:00 p.m. Marion Ross Performing Arts Center. Albert lea

Pending:  Concert

St. John’s Assisted Living North Campus,  Albert Lea

Pending, Concert 

Thorne Crest Assisted Living in Albert Lea.

Additional Performances may be announced. 



Join in the fun!


Albert Lea Community Band members come from all walks of life.  Our ages range from teens to over 85.  Teachers, students, farmers and business people all have one thing in common, they like to play music. They often come from miles away just to play in the band.

Dust off that old instrument in the closet, if you have not played in awhile.  If you are a student that would like to sharpen your skills, please join us.

There are no auditions

Just bring your instrument and a good sense of humor.  

( Required)

Feel free to contact us about joining the


Phone: (507)440-9200


or just show up for practice. :)


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Band practices can be a lot of fun

Our 2024 practices start in April.

We normally have a practice several Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM  prior to a public event.
Our summer rehearsal sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays beginning April 2024.  

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.

Thanks to our local sponsors;

Your financial donations help us to acquire new music and equipment needed for performances.

  • Albert Lea Community Education

  • City of Albert Lea

  • Freeborn Mower Cooperative Operation Roundup

  • Alden, MN  American Legion Post 404

  • Glenville, MN  American Legion Post 264

  • Hanson Tire Albert Lea

  • INNOVANCE, parent company of Lou Rich

  • Disabled American Veterans Chapter 16

  • Friends and private donors 

You can help us continue our free community concert programs.

Please send your tax deductible donations to:
Albert Lea Community Band, C/O Albert Lea Community Education
1011 Hammer Road, Albert Lea, MN, 2nd Floor, Albert Lea, MN 56007

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